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Treatment of waterproof joint of ETFE membrane structure engineering


The problem of water-proof of single-layer ETFE membrane node is mainly caused by the position of ETFE film and PVC film and PTFE membrane, especially at the low corner. There is no weld between the different materials. Other nodes are required to be processed.

In one way, the aluminum squeeze type pressure plate is used to press the PTFE film and the ETFE membrane. The focus is to be careful in the corner of the construction, reduce the thickness of the weld position due to the film material can not be compressed, resulting in water seepage. This method is used in the capital Airport and Shanghai line Line 8 project.

Another way is to etfe the membrane boundary with PVC film, PTFE membrane boundary to make a certain height difference or different internal and external position. Thus the water treatment is carried out separately. This method is applied to the atrium membrane structure roof of Shanghai QINGPU Construction Engineering Quality Inspection Center.

The most safe way to do this is to use a sink to organize drainage, which is used in the bird's Nest. However, this approach is difficult for some projects to be accepted by architects or owners.

For important projects or new nodes, if the conditions permit, the experiment should be conducted to verify the feasibility of the node mode.

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