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Is Air dome really safe?


Everyone who knows about membrane structure buildings the advantages of Air dome are low cost, short construction period, and movable and disassembled at any time. This also makes more and more people accept and love Air dome. So, is Air dome really safe? Let SIGMA GROUP explain it to you! We hope to be helpful to everyone.                            

The first thing to say is that the answer is yes. The safety of Air dome is beyond doubt. From a basic point of view, the foundation of Air dome is made of reinforced concrete, but from this point it shows its safety.

There are generally two anchoring methods connecting the main body of the membrane and the foundation. One is to embed the aluminum trough in the foundation and clamp the film tightly with anti-corrosion wood to ensure the air tightness of the film. The other is the prepare embedded anchor screw, which presses the film with a punched angle iron, which can make the connection firmer.

Secondly, from the perspective of membrane materials, Air dome is made of high-strength fiber cloth and polymer materials. Its stretching function is very good, and it is very flexible. If it is not deliberately damaged, it is difficult to damage, and it is strong enough.

In terms of performance, Air dome relies on internal and external air pressure to support the entire building. It has good shock-proof and wind-resistant functions. It will not be affected by bad weather and is very safe.

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