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Problems we should pay attention to in the construction of membrane structure car parking shed


Now in many places, we can see the existence of membrane structure car parking sheds, but people often ignore some problems in the construction of membrane structure car parking sheds. SIGMA GROUP will introduce to you in detail! We hope to be helpful to everyone.                                                                                                                     

1、 We should choose the specifications of the membrane material according to the environment of the membrane structure car parking shed project, and pay attention to its quality.

2、If your membrane structure car parking shed wants to be used for many years, we suggest you not to buy some low-quality membrane materials. The membrane material can be replaced if it is broken, but the quality will be greatly reduced, and a lot of engineering costs will be wasted.

3、We should avoid purchasing pseudo-membrane materials, compare membrane material samples, and send at least one person to supervise on-site when the membrane materials are transported to the construction site.

4、When preparing for acceptance, the quality inspection report of the membrane material should be requested from the membrane structure company. This way you will be more secure.

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