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After the membrane structure project is completed, what method can be used to detect its safety level?


Now the application of membrane structure is more extensive, and it has penetrated into the safety of our daily life, so how to judge the safety degree of membrane structure? SIGMA GROUP will explain this, I hope it can be helpful to everyone.                                                                                                                                                                   

1. You must carefully read the membrane structure materials, as well as the quality assurance certificates and inspection certificates of the relevant departments, and try to keep the copies used.

2. Check whether the membrane structure material is firm, with or without burrs and sharp corners.

3. Calculation of component plan. The influence of component planning on cables and membranes should be considered. 4. Check the tightness of the membrane structure connection, and ensure that the position of the connector is exactly the same as that of the connector, and gaps cannot be used.

5. Check whether the membrane structure design is reasonable and whether the external design is safe.

6. Check whether the connection point of the connector is suitable.

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